Monthly Archives: July 2017
It’s summer, time to battle the bees … or wasps … or whatever
State increases number of any-deer permits by 20,295; lottery now open
If you’re hoping to increase your odds this deer season and are hoping that you’ll receive a coveted “any-deer” permit that will allow you to target does, should you choose, there’s some good news this morning. The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has announced that for 2017, a total of 66.050 any-deer permits […]
Snapping turtle steals angler’s big pickerel on Down East lake
Madawaska 10-year-old lands 47-inch muskie on the St. John River
Alayna Deschaine is an avid angler, and loves to go fishing with her dad, Kevin. And on Saturday, the 10-year-old Madawaska girl caught the fish of a lifetime while trolling on the St. John River not far from town. “We started fishing early in the morning,” Kevin Deshaine said. “There’s this lure that we bought […]
64 more Atlantic salmon reach Milford; Season total at 786
For nearly 40 years, biologists have counted the Atlantic salmon that return to the Penobscot River each year. And recently, the Maine Department of Marine Resources’ Division of Sea Run Fisheries and Habitat has issued a weekly report highlighting not only salmon returns, but the multitude of other species that are caught in the fish […]
Lincoln’s lakes beckon for fishing derby
Visit Lincoln and you’re likely to notice something that has helped define the town over the years. No, it’s not the shuttered paper mill. It’s the water. Everywhere you turn, there’s a lake or a pond — more than a dozen, according to various online sources — all of which offer plenty of opportunities for […]
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Darkness as a tourist draw? Believe it
For many of us who grew up in small towns, the allure of the bright lights in big cities serve as an inexorable draw. We travel to those hotspots for business and on vacation, and take advantage of offerings our country-mouse hometowns might not provide. But city folks often strive to visit those special, quiet […]