If you’re a Mainer, you’ve probably got a moose story. Now, as we head into the time of year when moose are apt to start heading out on our roadways, the Maine Department of Transportation is urging motorists to use caution and to look out for moose.
Working toward that goal, the DOT asked a question on its Twitter account. That post: “In #Maine, wildlife crashes can happen anywhere, anytime. Be Alert! Where’s the most unexpected place you’ve seen a #moose?”
Great question. And though it might not be exactly the answer that the DOT is looking for, I’ll take a crack at answering.
The most unexpected place I ever saw a moose was in a water hazard at Mount Kineo Golf Course in Rockwood. Well, make that in two water hazards at Mount Kineo GC.
To be truthful, we kind of expected to see the moose in the first pond. He was a known commodity, and the golf course manager told my buddy and I that if we wanted to see a moose, we ought to go play the course just after dinner. We did, and as predicted, the moose showed up while we played that par 3 hole.
A few holes later, however, we were surprised to find a gallery of spectators waiting for us at the tee box on an otherwise abandoned golf course. At least, that’s what we first thought.
When we stepped onto the elevated tee and looked over the edge of the tee box into the pond in front of it, we understood why the small pack of children were sitting on the side of the pond: The moose was in the water, feeding.
Realizing that the moose wasn’t likely to move, my buddy and I each teed off, hitting our shots over the moose and landing our drives safely on the distant fairway.
The moose was not that impressed.
So, tell us (or better yet, tell @MaineDOT1): Where’s the most unexpected place you’ve seen a moose?
And make sure you don’t ignore the message the DOT is sending: Stay alert. Brake for moose. You’ll be glad you did.