Happy Monday! While we’re busy shaking off our turkey comas from last week (and while some of us are still licking our wounds after completing another firearms season on deer without filling our tag), let’s celebrate a great buck.

Amy Prenier shows off her first buck, a 220-pounder that she shot in Cooper. The buck had a 15-point rack. (Photo courtesy of Amy Prenier)
This week’s feature deer in the BDN Biggest Bucks contest comes to us from Amy Prenier, who tagged this monster in Pembroke on Nov. 19.
Details are few — I’ll catch up with her later this week to get the whole story — but here are the basics: Prenier shot the deer in the town of Cooper. It weighed 220 pounds, and sported a 15-point rack.
And it was Prenier’s first buck.
Congrats to Amy, and to the rest of you who participated in our contest. We’ll unveil the winners of the contest on Wednesday, so be sure to keep an eye peeled on this space.
An added bonus: I’m also chasing a few great deer hunting stories from folks who decided that they didn’t want to enter the contest. I hope to share a few of those tales in the coming days as well.
November 19th 2016 220 lbs 15 points Amy”,”Prenier”,”04652″,”F”,”2/3/1981″,”Shot in Cooper, Me tagged in Pembroke, Me 220lbs, 15 points My first buck!!