Over the past three weeks, we’ve shared a few great deer-hunting stories as part of our BDN’s Biggest Bucks contest.
And while this week’s featured deer might not be the biggest, nor sport the largest rack, Judy Mathiau of Vassalboro proves that we’re suckers for a touching tale.
The subject line of Mathiau’s entry: “My dad was there in spirit,” said it all. And during this holiday season, that family bond is one we shouldn’t take for granted.
And though we’ll award the grand prizes to hunters who took the heaviest buck, and the buck with the most points, all of your stories have been worth reading.
Later this week, we’ll share Mathiau’s story, and explain why this deer was special to her. For now, enjoy the photo of this handsome 10-point buck, which weighed in at 190 pounds.
With a full week of the regular deer season remaining, there’s still time for you to enter our contest here. I look forward to hearing from you.
And in the meantime, if you’re looking to check out some of our earlier deer tales, here they are: