It’s the third week of deer season, and as the state’s hunters know, that means the peak of mating season — “the rut” — is upon us.

Tom Kittrick poses with the 250-pound, 7-point buck he shot while hunting near Millinocket on Nov. 3. (Photo courtesy of Tom Kittrick)
Here’s hoping several of you bag bucks that you’ll enter in our BDN Biggest Bucks contest.
In the meantime, here’s this week’s feature deer, which was taken by Tom Kittrick on Nov. 3. Kittrick was hunting near Millinocket when he bagged this hefty 7-pointer. Although the rack didn’t have as many points as some that we’ve seen among our contest entrants, that rack was impressive in its own right, with a 16.5-inch spread.
And the deer is the heaviest entered in our contest to date, weighing in at 250 pounds.
We’ll tell you more about Kittrick’s hunt over the coming days, after I get a chance to talk to the lucky hunter.
And don’t forget, when you finally get your deer of a lifetime, make sure to enter the contest here.