If you missed out on the tagging-station excitement at the end of September, don’t fret: You can still participate — vicariously, at least — in this year’s moose hunt over the coming days.

The second moose to arrive at Gate Way Variety, the Ashland tagging station, in 2015 weighed in at 830 pounds. Shot by 16-year-old Jaxson Marston of Harrington, the bull had a 19-point rack with a 42.5-inch spread. Linda Coan O’Kresik | BDN
After a week-long break during which bird hunters had the woods essentially to themselves, the second group of moose hunters headed afield on Monday morning, looking to fill their tags.
This week, a total of 1,095 hunters, along with their hunting partners and friends, will be searching for moose in one of 19 Wildlife Management Districts over Maine’s northern tier, and Down East. During the first six-day session, 720 hunters were spread over eight WMDs.
If you’re looking to join in on the fun at a tagging station, you might want to head to Greenville, which has historically been one of the most popular spots to chat with successful hunters and check out the moose.
For a complete list of tagging stations you might want to check out, click here.