Over the past several years, I’ve had the opportunity to tell all kinds of hunting stories, and to share the successes of Mainers who have enjoyed memorable days in the woods.

Lucas Clark, 15, of Northport poses with the 20-point deer he shot while hunting in Northport on Nov. 13, 2010. (Photo courtesy Lucas Clark)
At certain times of the year, the hunting stories have become so common — and our readers have been so helpful in passing along tips — that one editor here at 1 Merchants Plaza has taken to describing me as the BDN’s “head obituary writer for charismatic megafauna.”
Today, we’ll look back at four of the most popular “obits” I’ve written … along with one crazy tale that took on a life of its own.
Why? Because in the weeks ahead, we want to keep our readers informed and entertained. Simply put, we want you to continue to play a role in our outdoor offerings, and to pass along any good stories you hear. Deer? Moose? Bear? We’re interested. You can reach me at jholyoke@bangordailynews.com.
The links to the original stories are included, so feel free to join me on a walk down memory lane.
Now, (as a famous DJ used to say) … on with the countdown.
5. Heavy headgear
Back in November of 2010, 15-year-old Lucas Clark turned a lot of heads when he shot the deer of a lifetime. The deer (pictured above) weighed “only” 190 pounds, but sported a funky set of of antlers with 20 points and a massive main beams on the right side. Onlookers offered him thousands of dollars for the antlers, but Clark said he was planning on getting the deer head mounted, and displaying for “as long as I live.”

Alfred Bowden Jr. of Long Pond Township shows off the 274-point, 8-point deer he shot on Nov. 5, 2014. The deer was the fifth 200-pounder that the 62-year-old Bowden has shot in his hunting career. (Photo courtesy of Alfred Bowden Jr.)
4. Number 1 with a bullet
In 2014, Alfred Bowden Jr. of Long Pond Township bagged a buck in Jackman that weighed in at 274 pounds, and BDN readers were impressed. How impressed? The story about Bowden and his hunt was the most popular to appear on the BDN website all year.

Neal Page of Palmyra poses with the 10-point buck he shot on Oct. 31, 2015. The deer weighed 282 pounds, field dressed (including heart and liver). Photo courtesy of Neal Page)
3. “He’s a monster!”
Neal Page of Palmyra had a hunting season to remember in 2015, as he shot a swamp buck that was truly impressive. The deer was a 10-pointer that weighed in at 282 pounds, field-dressed. Page said after he hung the deer from a tree in his yard, he became a very popular man, with dozens of folks stopping by to take a look. Page was a gracious host, to say the least. “I make homemade jelly and jam and pickles, and they was putting the pickles to ’em,” Page said. “They had a lot of fun.”

Ben Thibodeau poses with the deer he shot in Bucksport on the opening day of the hunting season in 2015. He said he did not hunti growing up and this is the first deer he shot since taking up the activity three years ago. At left are Thibodeau older daughters Mirabel, 5, (left) and Zoe, 8. (BDN photo by Gabor Degre)
2. Rack-a-saurus
Ben Thibodeau of Brewer shot his first deer in 2015, and he’ll have to work hard to top it this year … or ever. Thibodeau bagged a buck that was just under 200 pounds, but the rack it sported left him hunting: Some called it a 19-pointer. Thibodeau was more conservative, calling it an 18-pointer. Either way, “The Millvale Monster,” a legendary deer down in Bucksport, was truly magnificent, and readers loved the photo.
1. The Wayne Werewolf
Folks love mystery beasts, as we proved three years ago, with help from the trail camera of Gordon Karlgren of Grafton, Mass. Kalgren sent along images that seemed to show a large wolfish critter bearing down on a running deer in the Maine town of Wayne. Tongue-in-cheek, we began calling the beast “The Wayne Werewolf,” and readers nearly melted the internet as they checked out the photo. Some might recall that one reader said the photo showed a “chimichanga,” (we think they meant “chupacabra”), and we had a bit of fun with that as well.
Here’s hoping readers send along a few more creepy mystery beasts this year.