It’s that time of year again: Hunters are out and about. And when they return, some skilled or lucky hunters will have tales to tell … and photos to share.

The deer shot by Ben Thibodeau in Bucksport on the opening day of the hunting season in 2015. He said he did not hunt growing up and this is the first deer he shot since taking up the activity three years ago. Gabor Degre | BDN
Photos like the one above, which shows the amazing rack on the deer Ben Thibodeau took in 2015. Thibodeau counted 19 points, but was calling the deer an 18-pointer because he was unsure one of the tines was long enough to be “official.”
Or, photos like the one of Matthew Cornman and the bear he shot earlier this year.

Matthew Cornman (left) looks over the bear he shot with Eagle Mountain Guide Service’s Matt Whitegiver in the woods of Township 24 Tuesday. Ashley L. Conti | BDNhun
Bear hunters have been at it for a few weeks now, and deer hunters in expanded archery zones began hunting Sept. 10. Many, undoubtedly, already have cool stories to tell.
In the weeks ahead, we look forward to telling you several hunting success stories. History indicates that our readers love to read those tales, and want to see photos of big bucks, big bears, and big ol’ moose.
In fact, each year those hunting stories are among the most popular among our online readers at
That’s where you come in: Sometimes, we find out about great hunting stories via word of mouth; other times, we stumble across something on social media platforms. But if BDN readers pitch in and give us a call as soon as they hear about a great story — or, for that matter, reach out to us to tell us their own stories — we’ll have that many more tales to tell.
And that’s a good thing.
You can reach me at, or by calling 990-8214. I look forward to hearing from you.
And stay tuned. In the next few weeks, we’ll be letting you know about a great contest that will reward some of the folks who’ve been most successful during this year’s hunts.
The deer shot by Ben Thibodeau in Bucksport on the opening day of the hunting season in 2015. He said he did not hunti growing up and this is the first deer he shot since taking up the activity three years ago. Gabor Degre | BDN