Monthly Archives: July 2016
Readers report: Dogs eat the darndest things
Last week, after discovering a half-eaten $10 bill, I put pen to paper (who am I kidding … it’s always fingers to keyboard nowadays) and told the tale of Teddy the Ten-Spot Eating Dog. I suspected that others might have their own stories to share, and opened the floor to email and Facebook tales of […]
Picture from the Past: A see-in-the-dark shotgun
Perhaps I should have labeled this photo “Poacher from the Past,” although the person holding this gun it is clearly a game warden, not the poacher the firearm was taken from. If you’ve spent any time hunting, it’s pretty clear that the shotgun pictured in this BDN file photo from 1960 had been retrofitted for […]
Bird dog in training has an appetite for money
Picture from the Past: Flag-raising on Katahdin
Some 57 years ago, Americans were celebrating the nation’s birthday — and the recent addition of the 49th state, Alaska. Here in Maine, a group from Millinocket marked Alaska’s statehood in style, climbing to the top of Mount Katahdin and displaying the new 49-star flag at sunrise on July 4, 1959. Alaska had actually been […]
Acadia memories on an important day
Many of us Mainers, who grew up not-so-far from Acadia National Park, likely grew up taking the place for granted. I know I did. When I was very young, trips to Mount Desert Island were infrequent, and I seem to remember complaining about spending so much time in the car. As I reached high school […]