Not too many years ago, the opening of Atlantic salmon fishing season on Maine rivers was quite an event. Anglers from across the northeast would head to the state, often camping out or filling motel rooms, in order to target the “king of fish.”
Several months ago we ran a few of our vintage outdoor photos, and readers really seemed to enjoy them. Today, we’ll begin running a few more. Here’s one opening day scene, from May 1, 1992, according to the scant information included in the photo caption.
The state’s Atlantic salmon are now listed under the federal Endangered Species Act, and fishing for them in Maine rivers is prohibited. Back in 1992, as you can see, plenty of anglers were eager to take a shot at catching Maine’s first salmon of the year.
Do you see anybody you know? What piece of water are we looking at? Which salmon pools are being fished?
I’ve got some ideas, but welcome input from BDN readers.