Spend a bit of time in the woods, and you’ll be amazed at the surprises that Mother Nature has in store.
Luckily, many of you choose to share those surprises with us here at the BDN, and allow us to show them to our readers.
That’s the case today, as reader Patsy Husson of Hampden reached out to share two beautiful photos and a short tale.
Here’s what Husson had to say:
“I went on a hike in Hampden yesterday with a group of new friends. The weather was great, and it was a nice start to spring — and the hiking season,” she wrote. “Not only was I new to this group of hikers, this was my first time on this particular trail in Hampden.
“Thanks to Jim Folsom, a retired engineer, who has led several hikes in our town. This outing is a great way to learn new local trails, make some friends, and get some exercise. We all agreed that in the near future, we’ll do some “trail maintenance” to take care of “blow downs” and the new growth of weeds and bushes.
I” thought you might be interested in sharing this photo (or both) from my hike. I’ve never seen any ice formation quite like this. In this particular location, we were at the edge of the Souadabscook Stream in Hampden. I call it ‘chandeliers on ice.'”
Thanks for the cool photos, Patsy.
If you have photos to share or stories to tell, you can reach me at jholyoke@bangordailynews.com