Mother nature is full of surprises. And when our woodland critters start to get a little amorous, you never know what you’ll see.
Here at the BDN, we’ve got dozens of wildlife-watchers on staff. When your winters last six or eight months, like ours do, it doesn’t take much to spice up our days.
Sometimes, those encounters take place deep in the woods. And other times, those lovesick animals put on stage shows right in our backyards.
That’s what happened on Monday morning, when our digital desk editor Travis Gass looked out his window and spied this American woodcock getting its groove on.
Travis said the woodcock cut short his rendition of the funky chicken when a cat stopped by to check out the routine.
Smart move, Mr. Woodcock. And thanks for brightening another chilly Maine Monday.
And a special thanks to Travis for the energetic play-by-play.