For generations, hunters and anglers have been attracted to the woods and waters of Grand Lake Stream, a tiny town that sits next to West Grand Lake in Washington County.

The Grand Lake Stream Guides Association is raffling off this camp in the town of Grand Lake Stream. Tickets are available for $100. (Photo courtesy of Grand Lake Stream Guides Association)
Through that village, the water that provides its name — Grand Lake Stream — flows, and the landlocked salmon that live in that clear, cool water are prized by fly fishers.
Not far away from town is another river. You might have heard about it. Seems a man named Hill Gould shot a 31-point buck while hunter there back in 1910.
And on any number of nearby waters, you can find some of the best bass fishing in the state. Hire one of the many Grand Lake Stream guides, and they’ll take you onto those lakes in their vintage Grand Lake canoes.
If Grand Lake Stream sounds like an outdoors paradise, you’re right.
What if I told you that you could own a piece of that paradise … and it’d only cost you a hundred bucks?
Well, you can.
The Grand Lakes Stream Guides Association is holding a fundraising raffle, and are selling chances to win a fishing and hunting camp (along with an acre of land), in the town.
A ticket will cost $100.
According to the guides association, the camp is located at 183 Milford Road in Grand Lake Stream. They estimate that it’s worth about $50,000.
The only catch: The drawing will be held on Dec. 31 at 6 p.m., so you’ve got to hurry if you want to get your hands on a ticket.
Something else to consider: As of last count, the guides have only sold a few hundred tickets. Your odds, therefore, are much better than they might be in many other games of chance.
So, what do you think? Do you want to take a chance at winning a camp in one of Maine’s iconic sporting towns?
You can do so by sending a check and self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Grand Lake Stream Guides Association, 15 Water Street, Unit 1, Grand Lake Stream, 04668-4000. Make the check out to GLSGA.
According to Grand Lake Stream guide Louis Cataldo, GLSGA is a non-profit organization and has cleared the raffle with state authorities.
If you’ve got more questions, you can call Mike at 796-2553.