We’ve all got friends and relatives who would rather not end up on the wrong end of a “North Woods Law” camera.

Maine game warden Kris MacCabe, who stars on the Animal Planet TV show North Woods Law, signs the hat of 8-year-old Gavin Willett of Monmouth on the 2013 North Woods Law Day at the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray. (BDN photo by Kris MacCabe)
And we’ve all got friends who would love to appear in an episode of the popular Animal Planet TV show that focuses on the Maine Warden Service.
Want proof that “North Woods Law” is hot? Last week, some of the stars of the show made an appearance at the Maine Wildlife Park, where they signed some autographs and posed for photos. They were mobbed by fans. Again.
So, maybe you’re one of those people who wants their 15 minutes of fame. Maybe you want to be featured on NWL.
Today may be your lucky day … if, that is, you’re holding a valid moose permit.
On Tuesday, Engel Entertainment, which produces the show for Animal Planet, announced that they’re looking for just the right people to feature in an episode of the show.
“Mainers who have won moose permits in this year’s lottery — listen up!” the post on the NWL Facebook page begins. “Animal Planet’s hit TV series ‘North Woods Law’ wants to join your hunt. We’re going to send our cameras on a Maine moose hunt this fall, and we want to know if you’re the one we’re looking for.
“If you live in Maine, love ‘North Woods Law,’ and are one of the lucky sportsmen who drew a moose permit this year, tell us why you think you’d be perfect for the show. Submit your best photos or videos, along with a little about yourself and [you] as a hunter. Who is your favorite NWL warden? What does moose hunting mean to you? And what would the NWL viewers get to see by joining you on your hunt?”
Do you have good answers to those questions? If so, send submissions to NWL@engelentertainment.com by Oct. 11.
Alas, I’m not up for consideration this year: I’m mooseless (or moose-permit-less) again.
If the NWL crew is interested in a weekend of bird hunting and moose-photographing, I might be able to help, however. Anyone? Anyone?
Follow me on Twitter: @JohnHolyoke