Hundreds of hunters will head into the woods today on the opening day of the state’s bear season.

After being trapped by Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife biologists, a 246-pound female black bear looks toward human visitors in 2010. The bear was trapped and later released as part of the state’s ongoing bear research project. BDN photo by Bridget Brown
The season stretches through Nov. 29, with different methods allowed during different sessions.
Hunters are allowed to still hunt or stalk bears from now until Nov. 29.
Other seasons:
- Aug. 25-Sept. 20: Hunters are allowed to use bait.
- Sept. 8-Oct. 31: Hunters are allowed to use dogs.
- Sept. 1-Oct. 31: Trapping of bears is allowed.
According to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Maine is one of 32 states that allows bear hunting. Of those, 23 states allow either hunting with bait, dogs, or both.
Last year, more than 10,000 hunters bought permits that would allow them to take a bear, resulting in a total harvest of 2,845.
The DIF&W says 90 percent of the bear harvest takes place during the first four weeks of the season, when the use of bait and dogs are allowed.
Here’s wishing this season’s bear hunters the best of luck.
And as always, if you end up with a good tale to tell, pass it along to us … we may share it with our readers.