Monthly Archives: December 2013

New Wayne ‘werewolf’ photos tell the rest of the story

On Monday, thousands of readers visited our website to look at the odd trail camera photo that seemed to show a large predator chasing a deer in the Maine town of Wayne. Tongue-in-cheek, I called it the “Wayne werewolf,” and asked you to tell me what you saw. Man, did you tell me. At the […]

Sugarloaf debuts Wescott video series, ‘Surgery to Sochi’

After winning two Olympic gold medals — the first two ever awarded in his sport of snowboard cross — Maine’s Seth Wescott was among those expected to contend for another medal at the 2014 Sochi, Russia Games. Some thought the quest for that third gold medal ended on an Alaska mountain in April, when Wescott […]

The mystery beast that might make you avoid the woods: Werewolf in Wayne?

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been able to share some pretty cool trail camera images — so many, in fact, that we’ve built a little series of blogs out of the “mystery beast” franchise. In what may be the understatement of the year, I’ll tell you that those blog posts have been pretty popular […]