Every now and then, I receive an email press release that makes my day.
This is one such occasion.
I received word this morning that John Ford Sr., the author of “Suddenly the Cider Didn’t Taste So Good,” has written another book, and it’ll be available later this month.
Called “This Cider Still Tastes Funny!” Ford’s second book will include more tales gathered during a career as a Maine game warden and sheriff.
Ford, who lives in Brooks, kept a diary during his days as a warden and willingly shares those stories, even though many of which poke fun at the author himself.
Ford spent much of 2012 promoting his book, and recently appeared at the inaugural BDN Maine Outdoors Expo, where he entertained the crowd as one of our featured speakers.
The press release said Ford “spent two decades carving out a reputation as a Maine version of TV’s Sheriff Andy Taylor — a principled man of the law, but not a rigid, by-the-book enforcer.”
That’s surely true. But so is this: Ford is world-class, snort-milk-through-your-nose funny.
That’s what makes this the best news of all: Ford would love to meet readers and well-wishers at an event to be held in Belfast later this month. And I’ll bet he’ll make you laugh.
Ford will celebrate the release of “This Cider Still Tastes Funny” at the Waldo County YMCA, May 29 from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. Ford will be on hand to sign copies of the book and will tell some stories. The event is free and open to the public. Drinks and desserts will be available.
Ten percent of book sales from the event will be donated to the YMCA to support its programs.
Both of Ford’s books were published by Islandport Press in Yarmouth.