The rock has a name.
Actually, several names … depending on who you ask, and what their parents or grandparents called it.
And I’m curious: Have you ever been? Do you know the name? Do you know which body of water the rock is located on?
I know, I know; Some of you will find this quite easy. That’s why, with the help of a pretty nifty iPhone app, I’ve taken liberties with the photo. A little filtering here, a little clarifying there, and things become a bit more blurry … and colorful. Kind of like one of those vintage postcards.
And that seems appropriate in this case: This rock has some history. For generations, camp-owners have been towing their children out to this rock. Finally daring to take that last little step? That’s a milestone that youngsters will talk about for the rest of the summer. And one small step today leads to leap after leap after leap the next day … and the day after … and the summer after that.
Don’t believe me? Let’s let our readers tell their stories. I think you’ll find that this rock is a special place to those who’ve visited it.
Some years, there’s been a ladder up the rock. Other years, the ladder has been a bit rickety, and scaling the rock has been as big an accomplishment as splashing down. This year, someone has added a rope on the side opposite the ladder.
If you’ve got memories that revolve around this rock, we want to hear from you. In order to let others take their guesses without anyone ruining the surprise, why don’t you respond directly to me via email. You can reach me at
Tell us what you call the rock. Tell us where it is. Then tell us about your first leap … or your most recent. And anyone who can tell us, once and for all, how high above the water the rock sits will gain extra credit. (I know, I know: The water level varies. But somebody must have measured it at some point, right?)
I’ve also heard many stories about how the rock got its odd name. I’d love to hear your explanation.