Here’s a photo for you to ponder.

Hundreds of people have crowded a building at Oquossoc Marine for the finals of the World Invitational Moose Calling Championships. The actual drawing of this year’s moose permit winners won’t happen for another two hours, but the crowd is building at moose HQ.
Big crowd, eh? If I told you this photo was taken at 2 p.m. in Oquossoc, and you’ve been following Out There all day, you might think that folks are gearing up for the Rangeley Lakes Region Moose Lottery.
And you’d be half right. These folks are on the festival grounds.
But they’re not waiting for the moose lottery (though most will likely still be here when that event starts in two hours).
They’re here — hundreds of them, nearly a full house — to watch the finals of the World Invitational Moose Calling Contest.
The event was delayed by a couple of minutes and the venue was switched from a nearby museum after an overflow crowd showed up to watch the callers strut their stuff.
Our own Aislinn Sarnacki is on the scene with her video camera and will post a blog on her Act Out With Aislinn site as soon as she can.