For the rest of the weekend the BDN Maine Outdoors crew — Pat Lemieux, Aislinn Sarnacki and I — will be keeping you informed about the goings-on in the tiny Maine town of Oquossoc, site of the Rangeley Lakes Region Moose Lottery Festival.
But first, we had to do a little bit of “pub” business.
I know, I know. You let the crew out of Bangor and they end up in a pub. Right?
Well, that’s not the kind of “pub” we’re talking about.
Instead, we’re talking about “pub” as in “publication.” And when attendees of this afternoon’s lottery show up, they’ll all find a copy of the latest edition of BDN Maine Outdoors on their chairs.
In all, we’ve put out 542 of the pubs, and have several hundred more on hand at our booth, which we’ll hand out throughout the day.
So stop by and visit. Head to a chair. Sample a “pub.” Then let us know what you think.
And keep your eyes peeled on this space in the hours to come. I’ve got big news coming from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and another off-beat photo essay that I captured on the way to town on Friday.
At about 6 p.m., I’ll have a story on the BDN website about the lottery itself. And at 8 p.m. sharp, you can go to and find out if this is your lucky year: We’ll have the names of all the winners posted at that time.