So you only get the urge to go fishing once in a while … and that means you’ve got to pony up your license fee — $25 for Maine residents — and then you start thinking about how else you could spend that money … and you decide you’ll just sit on shore and leave the fishing to others.
Well, this weekend you’ll be able to join in on the fun, and it won’t cost you a dime.
The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has announced that this Saturday and Sunday, June 2-3, is a “free fishing weekend,” and any person — resident or non-resident — can fish without a license.
The only catch: If you’ve had your license suspended or revoked, you’re still on the naughty list, and you’re not allowed to participate.
All other normal rules and regulations still apply, including the bag and possession limits.
“It’s our hope that families would take advantage of this weekend, and take advantage of what Maine has to offer,” DIF&W deputy commissioner Andrea Erskine said in a press release. “We are looking for future anglers to carry on the tradition.”
According to the press release, finding fish shouldn’t be all that tough: Not only is Maine blessed with plenty of wild fisheries, the state also stocks more than 1 million fish a year.
In addition, we’ve got more than 30,000 miles of rivers and streams, and more than 3,000 lakes and ponds.

This weekend is a free fishing day in the state, and no licenses are required. Head out and you may get lucky, like 5-year-old Asa, shown battling a fish while spending time Down East with his dad, Mark Berry. Photo courtesy of Mark Berry
And if you’re looking for further inspiration, check out the photo that Mark Berry submitted, featuring his son, Asa, after I asked readers to consider sending along their best fishing pictures. It might inspire you.
“Saw your call for fish stories and photos — well, admitting bias, I kind of like this shot of my 5-year-old son with a leaping bass on the line … with him in the bow of a tandem kayak,” Berry wrote.
Berry is the executive director of the Downeast Lakes Land Trust, and said the image aptly illustrates the importance of the work the trust is doing.
“It fits the story of my work at Dowenast Lakes land Trust rather well, since all of the background is conserved land thanks to the land trust’s work, and conserving opportunities for fishing, hunting, and outdoor recreation is at the center of everything we do.”
So there you have it: Head out this weekend. Go fishing (for free). Then send the photos along to me, so I can share it with thousands of BDN readers.