On a day when overnight temps dropped to 20-below in some sections of the state, it seems appropriate to shake off the chill and start thinking warm thoughts.
In these parts, nothing says “warm (er) weather” like an outdoor show.
After a long Maine winter, the expos serve as a harbinger of spring, or, at the very least, a reason for folks to poke their heads out of their hidey-holes and check out the scenery.
And since we’re halfway through February, it’s not too soon to start planning ahead for our own local outdoor shows.
Those of us at BDN Outdoors are doing the same thing. This year we’re branching out a bit and will have booths at the Brewer Cabin Fever Reliever, the Orono Eastern Maine Sportsmen’s Show, and the Augusta State of Maine Sportsman’s Show.
Here then, is the schedule for this year’s shows:
- Feb. 25-26: The Cabin Fever Reliever, sponsored by the Penobscot Fly Fishers, will take place at the Brewer Auditorium. Show hours: Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The PFF wants the show to be educational, and exhibitors do their best to follow that directive. Although vendors can sell their wares, the flavor of the Cabin Fever Reliever is distinctly different from other shows. The pace is more relaxed, exhibitors are apt to engage in long conversations with guests, and visitors are sure to learn something new. Go to http://cabinfeverreliever.com/ for more information. Admission is free.
- March 9-11, the Penobscot County Conservation Association will stage its 74th Eastern Maine Sportsmen’s Show at the University of Maine in Orono. Show hours: Friday 5-9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is $7 for adults, $1 for kids age 6-11, and free for those under 6. Go to http://www.conservationassociation.org/sportsmensshow/sportsmensshow.htm for more.
- March 24-25, the show circuit heads north, with the popular Presque Isle Fish & Game Club’s sportsman’s show on tap in the Gentile Building at the University of Maine at Presque Isle. Show hours: Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is $5, with kids 10 and under getting in free. Go to http://www.presqueislefishandgame.org/springshow.asp.
- March 30, 31 and April 1, the 32nd annual State of Maine Sportsman’s Show will be staged at the Augusta Civic Center. Show hours: Friday 1-7 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tickets at the door: $7 for adults, $4 for children 5-12, kids 4 and younger get in free. Go to http://www.mainesportsmanshow.com/ for more.