Sorry for the repetition, but it’s time to say the magic words again: Incidental take permit.
As I mentioned a few Out There posts again, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has applied to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for just such a permit, which would authorize the incidental take of Canada lynx during a “state-regulated trapping program.”
Maine stopped its state-run coyote snaring program eight years ago in response to concerns about the unintentional trapping of protected species, including bald eagles and lynx.
More official information about the situation is available here: and here:
For now, it’s important to note that if you plan to take part in any of the three informational sessions that are being staged by the USFWS and the DIF&W, they’re going on this week.
Here’s the schedule, according to a joint press release (doors at each session open at 6 p.m., and each session is expected to wrap up by 9 p.m.):
• Tuesday, Dec. 13 at University of Maine at Presque Isle, 181 Maine Street, Presque Isle, 04769 (Grand Ballroom—Allagash and Aroostook rooms); 207-768-9502
• Wednesday, Dec. 14 at Black Bear Inn, 4 Godfrey Drive, Orono, 04473; 207-866-7120
• Thursday, Dec. 15 at University of Southern Maine in Gorham, 37 College Avenue, Gorham, 04038 (Bailey Hall); 207-780-5961
Both agencies will accept comments on the process through Feb. 7, 2012.